Dimensions of Holistic Development
1.Physical Fitness (Growing in stature)- Healthy, agile and vibrant students
- Physical exercise/Aerobics
- Sports and games
- Manual work/Sramadan
- Yoga/Martial Arts
- Health & Hygiene
- Skills in First Aid
- Personal grooming/Etiquette
2.Intellectual competence- Curiosity to learn
- Systematic observation
- Scientific temper and logical reasoning
- Critical and creative thinking
- Skills in listening and speaking
- Reading, writing and numerical ability
- Ability to organize one work
- Ability to discern and take decisions
- Confidence to handle problems
- Skills in fine arts and appreciate art and culture
- Excel in one work
3.Personal, Interpersonal and Societal Skills
A. Personal Skills- Emotional maturity: self-knowledge, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance
- Courage and conviction
- Time management
- Goal setting
- Resource management
- Adaptability to unfamiliar situations
B. Interpersonal skills- Teamwork
- Leadership
- Empathy and sensitivity
- Tolerance and acceptance
- Sharing and caring
- Appreciation for the fellow beings
C. Societal Skills- Knowledge of the constitutional rights and duties of a citizen
- Commitment to the society
- Awareness of the cultural heritage
- Concern for the underprivileged in the society
- Responsiveness to the environment
4. Spiritual Growth- Devotion to God
- Value consciousness and moral integrity
- Interest and ability to pray
- Knowledge of sacred scriptures
- Application of values in daily life